When there is not enough time to go to the hospital and there is no money to buy expensive medicines, you can try to cope with foot and nail fungus with the help of traditional medicine.
We must not forget that folk methods of treating fungus are effective only in the initial stages of the disease. With a more advanced form, it is better to get advice from a specialist.
It is easy to recognize the disease, the following symptoms appear:
- burning, itching;
- darkening of the nail (from yellow to green)
- deformation, layering of the nail;
- Bad smell;
- pain in the nail area, redness, swelling.
Treatment with iodine

The cheapest and easiest method of treating toenail fungus is based on the usual iodine solution, which is sold in any pharmacy. It is equipped with antiseptic properties, leads to the coagulation of proteins (in the structure of mushrooms - proteins). The day before you start treating nail fungus with folk methods, you should make sure that there is no allergy to iodine. It is enough to apply a drop on the skin and see if there is any reaction (redness, itching). Use the solution carefully so as not to cause burns. There are many popular recipes that use iodine.
- Mix vinegar essence, garlic juice, nitrofungin, iodine in equal parts. Apply the resulting mixture before going to bed, after steaming the nails and removing as much of the damaged areas as possible. Shake before use.
- Several times a day, smear the damaged areas with a five percent iodine solution. It is recommended to steam your feet beforehand. For prevention, all nails should be covered with iodine, but in a small amount and not every day.
- In hot water with the addition of iodine for 10 minutes. fly legsWipe infected areas with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and lubricate with antibacterial ointment. It is better to do the procedure in the evening, leaving the compress until the morning. Repeat three times.
- For two weeks, paint the nails 2 times a day with fucorcin, apply iodine for another two weeks and then nine percent vinegar (also 2 weeks).
- If you have a question about how to get rid of toe fungus, you should try a salt bath. You will need the following ingredients: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of baking soda; 2 tablespoons. spoon of sea salt; 1 liter of hot water.
Fly as part of the legs for half an hour. Remove as much of the damaged areas as possible, wash everything with soap and water and apply iodine to the feet, nails, between the toes. On damaged nails, paint three times, allowing each layer to dry.
Iodine solution is an indispensable helper during the treatment of fungus between the toes with folk remedies. For the sake of safety, it is better to wear gloves and use different cotton swabs to treat healthy and infected nails. The duration of therapy is on average 8 weeks.
Vinegar in treatment
An acidic environment is harmful to fungi. It is better to start the treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies with vinegar. The recovery process will not be fast, but it also helps with advanced options. There are many recipes for an acetic-based scrub, but even simply wiping the damaged area with a nine percent solution helps. With acetic acid, like any other acid, you must follow the safety rules in order not to burn yourself.
Foot baths with vinegar (you can take table or apple vinegar) help well in the prevention and treatment of toe fungus with folk remedies. Take some warm water in a bowl, pour a glass of vinegar in it and lower your feet for 15 minutes. Wipe the feet without rinsing with clean water, apply the medicine. Repeat the process several times a week.
In the process of treating nail fungus with folk remedies, creams are often used. A small cotton ball is soaked in vinegar and placed well inside the nail. It is fixed with a plaster and a stocking is put on. Lotions are enough to be applied once a day. Duration of therapy - 7 days, then take a short break. The same operation can be performed using apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil in equal parts.
A more time-consuming process is the preparation of the ointment. You need to mix:
- 70% vinegar 2 tbsp. spoon;
- glycerin 1 tbsp. spoon;
- olive oil 1 tsp. spoon;
- dimethyl phthalate 1 tbsp. spoon.
Mix everything well until smooth. Apply the oil to the nail once a day, wrap the foot in polyethylene, wear a sock. It is better to do the procedure in the evening, and in the morning wash off the soap residue (preferably household).
Use of copper sulfate

A solution of copper sulfate is a popular method commonly used to treat nail fungus. A teaspoon of the substance is diluted in a liter of clean water. But such a solution cannot be used yet - it is too concentrated. For baths, dilute: one tablespoon of solution in warm water (one and a half liters) and keep the feet for about 15 minutes. The nail is lubricated with a medicine from the fungus.
You can also prepare an ointment: heat a teaspoon of copper sulfate in a pan (until clear), add a teaspoon of sulfur powder (yellow) and tar. Stir while heating over low heat.
Salt treatment

Another answer to the question: how to cure nail fungus with folk remedies is salt. It is used as a sea (softens the nail plate, has an antiseptic effect) and simple cooking (kills harmful microflora). Salt should not be used as an independent remedy for nail fungus, but it will serve as a very good adjunctive therapy.
- Prepare a solution: 4 l. water; 100 gr. any salt; 4 tablespoons. spoon of 9% vinegar. Take these baths every day.
- Mix equal parts of soda and salt in boiling water, cool slightly and keep your feet for ten minutes.
- Mix salt with chopped mint and make nail creams.
- Bath regularly for two weeks: clean water 1 liter; any salt 1, 5 tbsp. spoon; antibacterial essential oil 1 teaspoon (can be replaced with iodine or lemon juice). If necessary, a short break (3-4 days) is made and the procedure is repeated.
- Prepare a saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt per 250 ml of water), wet a cotton ball and apply it to the problem area. At the end, the feet are rinsed with water with the addition of soda. You may feel discomfort (burning or itching) on the skin. Repeat continuously for 10 days.
- With advanced forms of fungus, garlic water will help. Squeeze a large clove of garlic through a special press into a glass of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, mix. When the solution has cooled, strain it and add another four spoons of salt. Wipe the affected areas with this solution several times a day.
baking soda

In the treatment of fungi, soda is traditionally used. Baths with soap and soda solutions soften the nails, which contributes to a better penetration of drugs. You will need:
- 5 liters of clean hot water;
- 3 art. tablespoons of grated laundry soap (or replace with tar);
- 3 art. spoon of soda.
Mix until the ingredients are dissolved and keep the feet for no more than 20 minutes. Then cut and leave the nail and apply the medicine. Repeat the procedure for 4-5 days.
Mix baking soda with a small amount of water to make a thick liquid. Apply the paste to the infected areas, squeeze 2-3 drops of lemon on top. As a result of the chemical reaction, a foamy hiss will be created and a slight tingling sensation will be felt. After five minutes, wash off the mixture with soap.
Soda is great for treating intimate fungus, while the treatment of fungus between the fingers and nails is best done in combination with medication.
Use of hydrogen peroxide
Although experts question this method, hydrogen peroxide remains the most common folk remedy for nail fungus. In fact, it only softens and disinfects the problem area, preventing the further spread of the disease.
The simplest method of treatment with folk remedies is peroxide cream. You can mix it with vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio, take a bath or put peroxide diluted with water on the nail. Do not forget about safety measures to avoid burns.
Other methods
Among the countless folk remedies for fungi, the positive properties of kombucha, which actively fights pathogenic bacteria, are well known. It is also widely used for the treatment of nail fungus: grind it into a soft mass and lubricate the problem area several times a day. In addition, you can make a compress by applying a small piece of mushroom to the problem area at night (wrap it with a film and put on a sock made of natural material). The duration of therapy is one week.
Baths with strong coffee will not only relieve the disease, but also soften the skin of the heels, make the feet smooth.
Novocaine lotions are quick methods to get rid of fungus. If the disease has not reached an advanced form, it is enough to apply a cotton ball soaked in novocaine several times to say goodbye to the fungus forever.
Garlic is indispensable in the fight against any mold. It is also used as an independent component (apply mortar or sliced plates) and as part of tinctures, ointments or compresses with onion and lemon. For 10 parts of water, take one part of alcohol and garlic juice. The affected area is treated with this mixture several times a day until the disease passes.
Celandine, birch tar, apricot resin, potassium permanganate, tea tree oil are also used.
There is no clear answer to the question: is it possible to cure nail fungus using only folk methods? But if you combine them with the medicines prescribed by the doctor, the disease will recede faster.